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Promotion FREE burgers at La Orquidea Hotel!





The promotion will be valid from August 1 to 31, 2019 and applies only to La Orquidea Hotels that have "El Itacate" Restaurant.

To make it valid, it is necessary to give "Like" to the Facebook page of Hotel La Orquidea Coatepec, be 18 years old and live in the Republic of Mexico at the time of launching the promotion.


1. From August 1 to 31, 2019, guests and external diners with children up to 16 years old, must go to the Restaurant "El Itacate Coatepec" from 12 to 3 pm, make a minimum consumption of $ 300 (global account) and upload a family photo to their personal networks using #HamburguesaLaOrquidea #DelItacateCoatepec and tagging Hotel La Orquidea Coatepec.

2. Once published, the collaborator assigned by restaurant will verify that the photo is published in public mode, contains the required hashtags and tag, and that's it! Children up to 16 years of age will receive a Hamburger and a Coca Cola® family soft drink.


Limited to 20 hamburgers per day per hotel and one hamburger per table.

The promotion hours are exclusive: every day from 12 to 3 pm.

It does not apply with other promotions or in the consumption of buffet service.

Hotel La Orquidea reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions without prior notice.

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